Artificial intelligence in food biotechnology: trends and perspectives


  • Revista Alimentos Hoy

Palabras clave:

artificial intelligence, food safety, food enzymes, precision fermentation, food microbiology, food biotechnology


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the creation of intelligent systems able to executespecific tasks which would normally need human intelligence to function. Today,AI is widely used to assist research and development in industrial biotechnology.Many biotech firms rely on AI tools. The food industry is among the industrialsectors where AI has only recently been explored. AI enhances foodbiotechnology by supporting food enzymes engineering, microbial metabolicengineering, food safety and, in general, food microbiology. The use of AI tools inthe food industry ranges from food processing – including all aspects of theproduction of food ingredients – to food quality and safety. This paper highlightsthe emerging importance of AI in some specific sectors of food biotechnology:development of new process-aid enzymes, precision fermentation, food safetyand toxicity, food microbiology, and the study of the interplay between food andgut microbiome. These represent only a few examples of the myriad ofapplications that AI is seeing and will see in the food biotech sector. ThisPerspective paper intends to stimulate the discussion around the intricaterelationship between AI and such research topics.





